1. I am running MLFF on a system containing H-atoms.
This post suggested "to increase the hydrogen mass in the POTCAR file".
But this best practice page in VASP wiki stated "increase the light element mass (POMASS) in the INCAR or the POTCAR file." The example INCAR file at the end of the same page defines the POMASS in the INCAR file. However, if I do not change the POMASS in the POTCAR as well I get the following warning in the standard output:
Code: Select all
WARNING: type information on POSCAR and POTCAR are incompatible
POTCAR overwrites the type information in POSCAR
typ 3 type information: H1 H
WARNING: mass on POTCAR and INCAR are incompatible
typ 3 Mass 8.00000000000000 1.00000000000000
* Attached: TEST_POMASS inside TEST_MLFF.zip can be used to simulate the above (not with H but with Si and Ge).
2. MLFF is not working when using two groups of same 'Si' atoms in the POSCAR.
Code: Select all
Si1 Si2
63 1
* The similar worked when using e.g. 'H1 H2', 'O1 O2'. The tests are not attached.
VASP version: 6.4.2
* Tests were run only for 2 mins and, hence, the simulations were not finished.
Any suggestions/comments please.
Thank you