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VASP final timing information and memory used evaluation

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:54 pm
by fzcsydl
As in the OUTCAR file the final timing information is shown as

total amount of memory used by VASP on root node 76377. kBytes

base : 30000. kBytes
nonl-proj : 18952. kBytes
fftplans : 2560. kBytes
grid : 9713. kBytes
one-center: 544. kBytes
wavefun : 14608. kBytes

General timing and accounting informations for this job:

Total CPU time used (sec): 14682.903
User time (sec): 14654.713
System time (sec): 28.190
Elapsed time (sec): 14767.102

Maximum memory used (kb): 0.
Average memory used (kb): 0.

Minor page faults: 24789
Major page faults: 171
Voluntary context switches: 27415

it says " total amount of memory used by VASP on root node 76377. kBytes". but "Maximum memory used (kb) 0.", and "Average memory used (kb) 0.". These looks contradicting. I also doubt about the value "76377. kBytes" because it looks too small to me.
So does VASP estimated the used memory correctly or not?

Thanks a lot!

Re: VASP final timing information and memory used evaluation

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:41 am
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,