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FFT error in mpi version

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:42 am
by bth20

I am running the mpi version of VASP.

On a recent job, I got the error message:

ERROR in FFT3RC: this version does not support the required half grid mode

Does anyone know what this means exactly? Is there something I should change before compiling?



PS, the INCAR was simple:

SYSTEM = 001-013
SIGMA = 0.1
PREC = High
NELM = 200
NBANDS = 130
EDIFF = 1.0e-5
EDIFFG = 1.0e-4
NSW = 0

FFT error in mpi version

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:04 pm
by konglt
It seems that you should not switch on the -DNGXhalf and/or -DNGZhalf while compiling the code. Try to compile the vasp code without the above two flags and run again.

FFT error in mpi version

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:58 am
by admin
please do not mix up the half-grid precompiler options:
-DNGXhalf for a SERIAL executable
-DNGZhalf for the PARALLEL executable
of vasp

FFT error in mpi version

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:58 pm
by acadien
Using the latest version of ifort (13.0.1 20121010) and MKL (2013.1.117) I have run into the same error:

ERROR in FFT3RC: this version does not support the required half grid mode

While removing the DNGXhalf and DNGZhalf will result in a working VASP code it also ensures that any CHGCAR, CHG or PARCHG files you generate will have symmetry problems and be unusable.

To fix this I had to compile the libfftw3xf library located in ${MKLPATH}/interfaces/fftw3xf, intel provides a makefile. Link directly to the .a file generated, by setting in the VASP makefile FFT3D = ${PATH_TO_libfftw3xf_intel.a}.

Hope this helps some other people.