Dear VASP developers,
I have just seen (via the "Known Issues" page on the wiki) that the SCDM method currently does not function correctly with the exclude_bands tag in Wannier90.
I assume this means that, regardless of how NUM_WANN and exclude_bands are set, the full density matrix is always considered?
This behavior would explain a lot of the problems I have previously encountered using this methodology. For example, in spin-polarised calculations in which there are more unoccupied spin-down states than unoccupied spin-up states, the SCDM projections for the occupied spin-down states are always worse than those for the occupied spin-up states (presumably because the additional unoccupied spin-down states are being implicitly included via the density matrix).
Is this bug likely to be fixed in a new release anytime soon? If not, is there any chance of a simple patch being provided in the meantime? My FORTRAN knowledge is not really good enough to figure this out myself, but I am keen to get SCDM working with exclude_bands as this is very much required for my use case.
Thanks in advance,