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Bug when computing dielectric constant for hexagonal lattice

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:22 am
by jcconesa
When computing the dielectric constant for hexagonal GaN I found immediate stop of VASP with the following error message (as many times as number of CPUs):

internal error in GENERATE_KPOINTS_TRANS: number of G-vector changed in star
1569 1570

The INCAR file is:

# parallelization parameters
NCORE = 1 ; KPAR = 4
# scf method
ALGO = A ; TIME=0.03
# precision and integration-related parameters
LREAL=Auto ; ISMEAR = 0 ; SIGMA=0.25
ENCUT=600 ; PREC = Accurate ; EDIFF=1E-5
# computing dielectric constant
LCALCEPS=.TRUE. ; EFIELD PEAD = 0.003 0.003 0.003
# cell relaxation
IBRION= -1 ; NSW= 0
# DOS and other output setup
EMIN= 0.0 ; EMAX = 20.0 ; NEDOS = 2001

The KPOINTS file is

Gamma-centered grid
0 #automatic MP grid generation
12 12 8

The tail of OUTCAR is

IXMIN= -6 IYMIN= -6 IZMIN= -10

NGX is ok and might be reduce to 26
NGY is ok and might be reduce to 26
NGZ is ok and might be reduce to 42

serial 3D FFT for wavefunctions
parallel 3D FFT for charge:
minimum data exchange during FFTs selected (reduces bandwidth)

The problem only appears with LCALCEPS=.TRUE. . Suppressing KPAR=4 does not alleviate the problem, which however disappears by adding ISYM=-1. The surprising thing is, that the problem does not appear if I make the same calculation for rutile TiO2 (tetragonal) with exactly the same INCAR file as above. And I noticed in the forum that an error related to GENERATE_KPOINTS_TRANS, when using LWANNIER90 on a hexagonal lattice, was also reported on Dec 04, 2013, and the error was said to disappear as well with ISYM=-1.
Of course I may make the computation with ISYM=-1, but why should the problem appear for hexagonal lattice and not for tetragonal one? It seems as if the number of G vectors were computed in two different places when computing epsilon, and the results were not coherent for a hexagonal lattice (compare the two numbers 1569 and 1570 in the error above). I would say that this behaviour should be considered a bug in the code. Decreasing the number of k points to be computed is important especially when one wants to make the calculation with a hybrid functional (which is my case).

Re: Bug when computing dielectric constant for hexagonal lattice

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:45 pm
by support_vasp


We're sorry that we didn’t answer your question. This does not live up to the quality of support that we aim to provide. The team has since expanded. If we can still help with your problem, please ask again in a new post, linking to this one, and we will answer as quickly as possible.

Best wishes,