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Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:30 am
by itamblyn

I was wondering if anyone had any experience building VASP on non x64 / x86 architectures? I'm thinking specifically of on NVIDIA's new Jeston TX1. It has 64-bit ARM A57 CPU and a 256 core Maxwell GPU with 4 GB DDR5. I'm asking because these new boards claim to have excellent (i.e. better than Intel) FLOP / WATT performance.

Re: ARM?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:46 am
by Paranord
The Jetson boards are basicly a cell phone processor with a powerful graphics card. Much of the VASP software still runs on the CPU. The GFLOP numbers are for the GPU, but very little of VASP code has been ported at this time.

I doubt it will be very good. But I'm curious to know if you can get it to compile.
