Dear VASP Team,
I have some questions regarding the use of LNONCOLLINEAR, ISPIN, MAGMOM, and SOC when calculating the energies of isolated atoms and dimers.
Currently, I am working on a perovskite material studied using VASP MLFF (
1) I want to calculate the energies of isolated atoms as reference energies and include some dimer separations in the MLFF training. Should I use LNONCOLLINEAR, MAGMOM, and SOC for these calculations? Specifically, for Pb, I, N, C, and H, as well as for the dimers Pb-I, N-C, N-H, C-H, and I-H?
For example, in the MACE documentation, it is recommended to use ISPIN ( ... ine-tuning):
“When computing your E0s, please use spin-polarized calculations.”
2) Do you have any recommendations for MAGMOM values for these elements and their dimers?
3) Given the high computational cost of these tags, I would prefer not to use them in the on-the-fly learning scheme for MLFF training on the bulk system, just for isolated atoms and dimers. Would this lead to significant inconsistencies? I’m not sure but based on a comment by Gábor Csányi here ( ... 5?sort=old), it might be fine. Could you please share your opinion with me on this?