I am trying to calculate a frequency-dependent dielectric tensor, and as per the instructions on the VASP wiki I am starting with a static calculation using LEPSILON=True, and then trying to converge a frequency-dependent calculation using LOPTICS=True by increasing NBANDS until the zero-frequency value equals the static values with LEPSILON=True.
I don't think I have enough bands yet because the diagonal values are at omega=0 are still quite a bit off from the LEPSILON results, (even though I have tripled the number of bands with respect to the default). But an even more concerning issue is that the offdiagonal components for the tensor with LEPSILON=true were antisymmetric, that is eps_xy=-eps_yx. However, separately from being a different magnitude, I see that with LOPTICS=True, the off-diagonal components at all frequencies include omega=0 are symmetric, that is eps_xy=eps_yx. This seems to me like it but be do to issues with the symmetry routine messing up in one of the two cases, as I can't imagine swapping the symmetry-allowed qualitative form of the tensor would simply be a convergence issue.
I attach the INCARs for both the static and frequency-dependent INCARs as well as the other input files (the calculation for LOPTICS=True starts from a converged scf WAVECAR as instructed). If you see any issues (of if I am missing something and it's not surprising that the symmetry of the off-diagonal elements switches between the two methods) I would be grateful. Let me know if you need the OUTCAR as well.