Dear VASP community:
Short question:
I am interested if AGGAC = 0 has to be specified when BEEF-vdW is used?
More detailed explanation:
VASP-Wiki ... unctionals says
Note that for all vdW-DF functionals listed below except those using the rVV10 van der Waals kernel, the GGA component of the PBE correlation needs to be removed (with AGGAC=0.0)
and i always thought BEEF-vdW to be vdW-DF functional, however in list below there is no example with BEEF
ASE website specifies usage of aggac for few functionals (optb88-vdw, obptb86b-vdw, vdw-df, optpbe-vdw, vdw-df2) but beef-vdw does not contain this keyword.
Similar result is in ...
At the same time there are publications where people specified AGGAC in INCAR ... 6379j1.pdf
my own tests gives confusing result: there is no AGGAC keyword in OUTCAR settings-list, also when specified. Looks like that keyword is just ignored like keyword IAMSTUPID = 1
Total energy seems to be same but i didn't made multiple tests checking everything.
Thanks a lot in advance